What is it really about??

Friday, January 14, 2011

Definition of Bullying

Example of gossiping which more likely occur between girls.

Example of bullying (inflicting bodily harm) often happen between boys.

First and foremost, we must understand the meaning of bullying itself before we extend to any other parts. In fact, it's far from easy to define it due to everyone's satisfaction.

Could you differentiate the word “bully” and “bullying” exactly?

Bully - someone who is despicable (very unpleasant or evil) and who deserves to be punished. People often feel affronted when a young child is described in this way.

Bullying behaviour - individuals and groups who continually seek to hurt others who are less powerful than themselves (existence imbalance of power between the bully and the victim), which they may do by physical or verbal means or by deliberately (intentionally or on purpose) excluding them, especially if it keeps going on and on. It occurs among people of all ages, from preschool to old age. In this case, we just focused on school- bullying.

As an example, a group of basketball players in a small school, feeling threatened by a new student who transferred into the school and who has great athletic ability, take turns on different days hiding his books, his practice clothes, and his shoes. On game day, he finds his jersey in the urinal. In short, bullying involves both physical and psychological components.

Once we talked about "bullying", what's your imagination about it?

We must understand that a bully can be both boys and girls for them to reach their goals. In fact, boys tend to be bullied more than girls and also to engage more in physical bullying. Girls are more likely to engage in indirect forms of bullying such as name-calling, gossiping, threats to reveal secrets, taunting, and just to list a few.

What is the different between “bullying” and “teasing”?

As stated above, bullying as an exposure to long-term, repeated negative actions on the part of one or more persons. Whereas, teasing is considered to be less physical and more verbal than bullying, and occurs more frequently among early elementary-age children. Teasing may not be perceived as intimidating as bullying. However, the seeds of future bullying behaviours are contained in the disrespect and motives behind teasing if it is allowed to go unchallenged.
Example of teasing, several girls surround a new girl at the lunch table who just transferred into their school and ask her embarrassing questions about her clothes, including, “Does all your family get their clothes from the Army store?” and “I didn’t know people from your country knew how to wear pants!”.

By this definition, i hope that all of you could understand it and tell me if there's any mistake. Thank you!

Adapted from "Bullying from Both Sides: Strategic Interventions for Working with Bullies & Victims". 2006. Walter B. Roberts, JR. (Thousand Oaks, California: Corwin Press).


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