What is it really about??

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Bobo Doll Experiment by Albert Bandura


There are many concerns about the effect of social influences on the development and growth of a child’s personality and morality.

Television, computer games, food additives, music and the lack of role models are all cited as reasons for a supposed breakdown in society, and an increased tendency towards violence.

These concerns have existed for many years, even before the media turned these factors into sensationalist stories, to try and sell more newspapers. During the 1960’s, there was a lot of concern and debate about whether a child’s development was down to genetics, environmental factors or social learning from others around them.

For this purpose, Albert Bandura designed the Bobo Doll Experiment to try and prove that children would copy an adult role model’s behavior. He wanted to show, by using aggressive and non-aggressive actors, that a child would tend to imitate and learn from the behavior of a trusted adult.

The Bobo doll is an inflatable toy about five feet tall, designed to spring back upright when knocked over.

Children were chosen as subjects for the study, because they have less social conditioning; they have also had less instruction and teaching of the rules of society than adult subjects.


The results for the Bobo Doll Experiment showed that children who were exposed to the aggressive model were more likely to show imitative aggressive behavior themselves. 

Meanwhile, boys were nearly three times more likely to replicate physically violent behavior than girls.

The measurements for verbally aggressive behavior again showed that children exposed to aggressive role models were more likely to imitate this behavior. The levels of verbal aggression expressed were about the same for boys and girls.

Subjects in the Bobo Doll Experiment exposed to the non-aggressive model, or no model at all, showed little imitative aggressive behavior. This finding proved that children exposed to a passive role model shows less imitative aggression.



  1. strongly agree with this, children are all born as innocent, aggressiveness is learnt as they grown up.

    but, sadly, the tv programs nowadays are abundant with violent scene, wrestling, violent anime, violent cartoon, drama, all these are bringing negative impact towards our future generation.

    instead of crying over a split milk, why don't we change the situation by giving proper guidance and advice after the children watching the show, hence preventing it from happen?

  2. Unfortunately parents nowadays doesn't care at all about what their children are watching. "It's just cartoons," they said.

    Well, it is not 'just' cartoon. Realistic enough, and children may not be able to differentiate what is right or wrong. Like that time where I punched a kid in the style of a video game character I played at that time.

    So parents are partly responsible. You can't just blame on the medium. It is your kid, your responsibility.
