What is it really about??

Monday, March 28, 2011

Bully: Make people think that life is all about in the hell..

Hi, there..

-The topic given seems like very serious right??
-Ya, according to several researches, the victims of bully are suffering almost 24 hours in their daily lives..
-How can it happen??
-What complicates matters is that the victims may not be aware or acknowledge to themselves that they very often suffer from one or more of the following:

  • Low self-confidence - the victims of bully may reduce the self-confidence of themselves since there are another person, or group that dominating them. Their freedom are stucked by the bullies. The bullied one seems like very coward. Their apperance are not gentle at all. This situation may cause the low self-confidence.
  • Low self-esteem - Basically, self-esteem refers to the value of respect you award to yourself. This is also about feelings and opinions on how you will evaluate yourself in the world. The victims of bully may feel that they are not being cherished and respected by anyone. This situation will reduce the level of their self-esteem.
  •  Fell insecure - The victims may feel that their lives is in danger at all. They life in fear. Really, the bullied one will suffer from this problem. Their will pull away themselves from the society. This will leads into a introvert personality. The victims will afraid to go anywhere and to do something outside of their home. The worst thing can be happened when the victims refuse to go out from their home, including refuse to go to the school and will be expelled from the school.
  • Health problems - The bullies will do anything to their targets or their victims. This will make the victims suffer from too many effects. One of the effects is health problems. The victim may have the sleep disorder, eat disorder, depression and apathy. These sorts of problems will make the health of someone disturbed and may leads toward the worst problem - heart attack.
-It's too scary right?
-However, thats the truth.
-Since that, we need to protect ourselves to prevent it from happening to us.
-Remember that, prevention is better than cure.

Posted By: Nurul Shafini Binti Shafurdin.

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